I know youll say humans crossed through the oceans during the ice age but..
The Native Americans are generally known to have a darker skin color than Cacasion people. The thing that makes me laugh is that it is colder in Canada than Europe. And according to evolution the hotter the climate the darker the skin.
So then the Native Americans must have moved up from the south (central american area) all the way to the North. Well I always thought that they moved down from Siberia.... So their skin must have gotten darker down- not the opposite.
If scientists say we orginated from Ethiopia they have proof over our skeletal remains. Now the amazon contains primates. But has alot of soil buried underneath unlike where we found our ancestors in the desert of Ethiopia.
The primates found in Amazon are extremely similar to the ones found in Africa.
And get this! Pangeda- the massive continent. Africa was attached to Brazil back then. So the same animals lived in the same geographical area..... Hence the same primates existed but split up in very similar eco-systems.
Also it makes me laugh how we crossed the glaciers. I mean how did we cross hundreds of miles over tundra. Were we smart enough to make camps.....
Do you think Im stupid, missing info or possibly correct??
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